It’s my potty and I’ll try if I want to

Check out this fancy princess-style potty chair — the Granddaughter would have loved it!

When we were potty training the Granddaughter, I had picked her up from preschool one day and brought her home. As we came into the house through the kitchen, she kind of squealed, “Oh, Nana, I have to go potty,” and started racing down the hall to the bathroom on her plump little legs. I was right behind her, with fingers crossed that she’d get there in time.

She sat down on her potty chair and I perched on the toilet lid across from her. She was seriously concentrating on the task at hand. Then all of a sudden she let out a long, loud blast of air. Her eyes got really big and she looked at me and said, “Did you see that?”

I laughed so hard! And told her, “It was so loud, I almost did see it!”

Once I was in the ladies’ room in Dillard’s department store at the mall. There was a woman in the stall next to me with a little girl who she was trying to coax into going potty.  Considering that the place was packed, it was surprisingly quiet. I started to go and the little girl said, “Is that me?” It was so funny!