Wordless Wednesday – Ancestors

When hubby saw this photo of my ancestors, he said to me, "No wonder you act the way you do!" Haa!

Wordless Wednesday

26 Responses

  1. Yikes!

  2. You can pick your friends, but you’re stuck with your relatives! (that’s what I look like first thing in the morning)

  3. good golly, I LOVE old photos like this and when you find them and they are RELATED? It’s like gold!

    they are a little scary though.

  4. LOL! What is that supposed to mean?

  5. We have ancestors on my grandfather’s side that explains a lot about us, too… But I do love these pictures.

  6. Too funny…and so true!

  7. I sometimes feel scared when looking at old photos.

  8. The poor lady on the right needs teeth. That’s the main problem there. Hilarious photos! Love them!

  9. From what I’ve heard, people thought it was easier to hold a serious pose longer… the exposures back then were in excess of five to ten minutes. They couldn’t hold still and smile that long. Or so they thought. Anyway, I think they are great pictures. I’m just accustomed to seeing the stern faces in photos that old.

    • I did not know that and I definitely appreciate the info. Makes a world of difference when you look at these old photos, knowing they had to sit still for so long. No wonder they looked so stiff and uncomfortable!

  10. As Garfield the Cat would say:

    I resemble that remark!

    When I think someone has taken a bad picture of me, all I have to do is think of our G-G-G-grandparents here. Just think, this is them looking their BEST!

    • I will remember them the next time someone takes my picture. Will probably look like a grinning lunatic. Which is worse?

  11. Too funny! They do look rather serious.

  12. It’s awesome to have old photos like that! 😉

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